About me…



My name’s Lauren and I live in Harrogate with my husband and my two young children.

Since having my babies I’ve been completely obsessed with all things birth and breastfeeding related! I did a hypnobirthing course during my first pregnancy and it totally transformed the way I thought and felt about giving birth. Like many people I had heard plenty of birth horror stories throughout my life and I was a ball of anxiety in the early days of my pregnancy. Hypnobirthing empowered me to let go of those feelings of anxiety and I went on to have two wonderful calm home births. In fact, I’d happily do it all again tomorrow if I was actually planning to have any more children!

I am a fully trained and insured breastfeeding counsellor, antenatal teacher and hypnobirthing instructor and I am proud to have supported hundreds of new and expectant parents on their journeys to parenthood.

My training and experience…

  • Foundation degree in Birth and Beyond from the University of Worcester

  • NCT trained and qualified antenatal teacher

  • NCT trained and qualified breastfeeding counsellor

  • Qualified hypnobirthing instructor with The Little Birth Company

  • Qualified babywearing peer supporter with Carrying Matters

  • Human Rights in Childbirth training with Birthrights

  • Sands Bereavement Care training - supporting families through pregnancy loss and the death of a baby

  • SIDS and Safer Sleep trained with The Lullaby Trust

  • Paediatric first aid trained

(Although I completed my training with the organisations listed above, I am proudly independent as a practitioner, meaning my workshops, courses and all of the work I do are powered by evidence-based, up to date information rather than the policies of outside organisations)

My birth stories…

Theo was born during a crazy heatwave in the summer of 2018. I woke up in the early hours of the morning with very dull period type cramps and things slowly started building from there. I was planning a home birth so I called the midwife at about 6am and she came over shortly after. I was totally in my hypnobirthing zone and I lost all sense of time while I was in labour. Somehow hours passed before Theo was born into my arms in the birth pool in our dining room later that day.

We had some complications the day after he was born and we went to hospital for some observations, which obviously wasn’t part of our home birth plan! But thankfully we were both okay and we were back home again within a few days.

Maddie was born during the first lockdown in 2020. I had my first niggle that she might be on her way just before 6pm one evening and things moved pretty quickly from there!

After a 4.5 hour labour, Maddie was born in our bedroom, beside the birth pool which I hadn’t had a chance to get into. Our midwife was on her way but she hadn’t arrived (I’d been putting off calling her because I was expecting things to take much longer than they did!) so Maddie was born into the arms of her mummy and daddy, in the safe haven of our bedroom, surrounded by candles, fairy lights and gentle music.

It could have been quite unnerving, unexpectedly giving birth without a midwife, but the knowledge that I held and the hypnobirthing techniques that I was using kept me totally calm and I felt completely in control. It actually couldn’t have been more perfect.

It was the most incredible experience and I just wish I could bottle that feeling of euphoria I had after she was born.

Birth doesn’t always go exactly as we expect it to and my goal is to equip you with the knowledge and the techniques to navigate your own birth journey with confidence, wherever it might take you.